Friday 27 September 2013

Stay Clean!

Good smell in the shower is something which always makes me feel good .. Besides, always fun to get out of the shower feeling clean. In my last visit to London I bought some products of soap & glory (which unfortunately where I live I can't get this brand) and I'm really impressed with them. I love how they design their packaging and also they have pretty affordable prices which is allways nice. so I decided to review them for you.

Foam call body wash

Before I used this body wash I used rich & famous body wash also by soap&glory. While the smell of the rich & famous was a bit too heavy, the smell of this soap is very refreshing. I love the    refreshing scents soaps because it makes me feel more clean and fresh. On the package they claim that it should be "super moistrurise" but I do not notice a big difference from the other body washes I've tried. this body wash costs £ 6.50, and the quantity is huge - 500ml (for comparison, the previous body wash in this size done in daily use within six months). I think I will definitely buy it again, mostly because of the smell.

Suger crush body scrub

Speaking of smells, you can't miss the smell of this scrub, refreshing and really strong lemony scent. Previously I did not much like citrus scents but lately I am learning to be ok with it, although for me it smells a bit too strong. It says on the package that it contains brown sugar, lemon, almond oil and macadamia grains. I use it about twice - three times a week and is doing an excellent job. It is very gentle and I feel that my skin is really clean and smooth after I'm using it. It cost £ 8.00 witch is not expensive but also not very cheap.

Whipped clean shower butter

Last but not least comes the body butter. Everyone has their lazy days that they don't want to apply body lotion after the shower (to me at least happens quite a lot ..) and this product is perfect for those days. It really hydrate the skin and feels very comfortable and smooth, and I find myself using it a lot as before shaving. It has a thick, sweet odor that disappeared pretty quickly, and what little little annoying about this stuff is that every time when I'm taking some of the product from the tube it slides and splushs everywhere. It also costs £ 8.00.

So I hope you liked the post, and I will be very happy if you respond and say what you think about these products and even what you say about the new blog ..


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